ANVIL programmes establish the necessary conditions for rural prosperity, irrespective of conditions that might exist elsewhere in the wider world. We also try to minimise the influence of consumer economics.
The starting point is the rural economy which is developed to increase farm productivity. Not only does this directly serve the needs of communities, it also produces surpluses that can be traded for cash.

One set of activities is:
- restoration of farm soils to sustain routine harvesting;
- selection of plants and planting regimes;
- preparation and storage methods for cash crops
- strategies for maximising profit;
while, at the same time, attention is given to improving the infrastructure:
- securing reliable water supplies;
- rebuilding and developing sanitation systems;
- improving farm access to markets.
These two activities are supported by a Community Land Trust and a Village Development Company; both reflect the identity and purposes of traditional village life, and both are democratically constituted and formally registered. They typically serve rural populations of up to 2000 people.