MBUMBEH SOLIDARITY AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK (MSAL) cooperative society, with a board of directors, is a legal entity in Ngombo-mbeng village, a rural farming community in Cameroon comprising about 85 households. Anvil sponsored the formation of the cooperative society.
This programme aims to improve livelihoods in the community through improved organic farming methods and value addition whilst building the capacity to stem deforestation.
The total budget for this programme is just under £20,000. To fully implement the programme, Anvil needs to raise about £17000.
The programme will directly reach the 50 registered members of the MSAL cooperative society. But its impact is expected to be felt across all 85 households of Ngombo-mbeng village, and the other 9 neighbouring villages.
The objectives of the programme and the associated outcomes are the following.
1: Training on improved plantain and cassava production.
•reduced deforestation through improved farming methods
•More organically produced food through increased uptake and use of organic pesticides
2: Training on the post-harvest transformation of plantains & cassava.
•Value addition of farm produce
•Increased income from farming per household
•Reduced post-harvest losses
3: Provide farmers with improved planting materials.
•Increase in crop production volumes
•Increased income and employment opportunities
4: Equip cooperative members with own second-generation agricultural machinery for increased production.
•Improved and increased farm production
•Improved farmer health
•Reduced post-harvest losses
•Income generation from the hire of equipment