Getting a programme started requires capital.
All successful cooperative programmes start with a capital base to fund the enterprise in the early years. ANVIL has adopted the ‘Employee Ownership Company’ model as the means of organising regeneration programmes. There are many other examples of Employee Ownership Association type of organisations.
A Village Development Company is established by the Trust as a Community Interest Company. Unlike a charitable trust, a Community Interest Company can hold assets in trust whilst, at the same time, operating as a trading company with shareholders. However, the Company has a legal obligation to operate for the benefit of the local community only.

A Trust and a Development Companies are regulated by Constitutions, each with governing body formed from councils to represent village interests, those employed by the Development Company and the role of ANVIL in representing the donors.
This defines the local framework: full details are available in our Handbook.
The real business of the Trust and the Company is to develop local prosperity: this starts with the training programmes.